What Day is It?
|Laken Karwat ’23
Staff Writer
What day is it? It is not only Tuesday but it is also National Classy Day, National Bootlegger’s Day, National Hot Buttered Rum Day, and National International Mentoring Day. Having National Days ensures you never miss a day of fun, in our 365 day calendar, we have over 1500 National Days dedicated to everything from the mundane to the downright bizarre. If you thought memorizing birthdays or anniversaries were difficult, good luck trying to memorize what National Day will be coming up!
Why are there so many National Days? Mainly they are just for fun. There is National Wiggle Your Toes Day, a National Tell A Joke Day, and even a National Punctuation Day. Sometimes, a National Day is a way for companies offering products to get an annual promotion. It’s a marketing person’s dream! Sometimes, it is also a way to bring a little more mainstream attention to often overlooked causes. Either way, it draws attention to something unique, or silly, or special.
It is important to note that National Days are not part of the government days, but if you want to keep up with all the notable dates not on your calendar, here is the link: https://nationaldaycalendar.com/
Works Cited
Clarey, Brendan. “Happy National Potato Chip Day! No Seriously, You Need More Ways to Waste Your Time.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 14 Mar. 2020, https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/03/14/we-have-taken-concept-national-days-too-far-column/5025818002/.
National Day Calendar, https://nationaldaycalendar.com/.
Smith, Jordan. “National What Day? Why Do We Celebrate so Many National Days?” Https://Www.waff.com, https://www.waff.com/story/38876706/national-what-day-why-do-we-celebrate-so-many-national-days/.