The Electronic Prohibition
|Logan Troester
Staff Writer ’15
Change is a difficult task, but adaption is necessary. There has always been a constant struggle between teachers and students regarding the use of technology. Currently at Nouvel electronics are prohibited in the classroom unless specified otherwise. For teachers they are often seen as a distraction and a way to cut corners. However for students they are a way of life. Phones, iPods, tablets, and computers are all technological advancements that should be used rather than ignored. Allowing electronics and learning on these devices prepare students for a culture immersed in technology. The fastest growing and highest paying jobs in the United States require electronic use of some sort on a day-to-day basis. And isn’t that what schools are suppose to be doing? Preparing students for a feature in the real world? According to the US Department of Education and studies by the National Training and Simulation Association, tablets and other devices used in the classroom cut the time students take to learn and increase the motivation to learn. The world is changing it may be time for schools to reconsider their technology preferences and get with the program.
For years, I have been trying to give students the benefit of the doubt, and for years it has come back to bite me in the butt. I have allowed tablets to be used in the past for taking notes but end up only having to stop kids from playing games. If students took their own learning more seriously and really used these devices as a learning tool instead of entertainment, I might consider allowing them again. I have caught students (as recently as last year) playing games, using facebook or twitter, watching youtube videos, etc…none of which was part of the educational process that the tablets were allowed for. We can not waste our times trying to monitor what students are watching/doing on their devices. It gets old and is very distracting to others in the class who are actually trying to get work done. So for now, unless I specifically allow them for a certain assignment, they won’t be allowed in my class. Sorry everyone!