Getting Into the Christmas Spirit

Frankenmuth Christmas Tree Light Show

Frankenmuth Christmas Tree Light Show

Iris Patel ’23

Staff Writer

It’s the time of year again where everyone comes together to celebrate one of the most joyous holidays: Christmas. During Christmas, there are many things you can do to get into the holiday spirit. Here are some fun activities you can do during this Christmas season.

Christmas Lights- During the Christmas season, many people put out decorations and lights on their houses. There are also multiple Christmas light shows where buildings or parks are full out decorated with flashing lights and decorations. You could attend one of these, or just drive around town and look at Christmas lights on people’s houses.

Decorating Cookies- Decorating cookies for Christmas is a very common activity during the holiday. All you need to make these is buy some premade sugar cookies, frosting, and sprinkles. If you want to be really fancy, you can make your own cookies and use cookie cutters to cut the dough into Christmas shapes, like trees or bells.

Decorate a Christmas Tree- Almost every family out there decorates either a fake or real Christmas tree during this season. They put lights, ornament, a star, and any other decorative things on their tree. If you want your tree to be more homemade, you could even decorate your own bulbs to put on your Christmas tree.

Christmas Caroling- When you watch Christmas movies, you almost always see people singing at houses, at a store, or on a street. These people are called carolers and there are people who actually do this during the Christmas season. If you want to participate in this, gather a group of your friends and family, make a list of Christmas songs you want to sing, and go around your neighborhood singing Christmas carols to people.

Build a Gingerbread House- Building a Gingerbread House is also one of those common Christmas Activities. To do this, all you need to do is go to the store and buy a Gingerbread House set, or you can make your own gingerbread. Then, you can make a house out of frosting, gumdrops, candy canes, and anything else that you think a Gingerbread House should have.

Christmas Music and Movies- If you are on the lazier side but still want to have Christmas spirit, then listening to Christmas music or watching a Christmas movie is an easy thing to do. You can throw on a Christmas radio station to hear festive music on the way to work or school. When you get home at night, you can throw on a Christmas movie to watch before you go to bed.

Go See Santa Clause- What every kid wants for Christmas is for Santa Clause to bring them presents. In order for Santa to know what they want, they need to go tell him. You can do this by going to the mall. You can see Santa, give him your list of what you want, and get a picture with him to keep for memories.

Secret Santa- Secret Santa is a fun way to celebrate Christmas with your friends. To do this, all you need to do is gather a group of your close friends, draw names from a hat, and then have everyone pick out a name. Once everyone has their person, then you all go out and buy a gift you think your person will like. Then, you set a date when you for the gift exchange, and everyone gives the person they drew the gift they bought for them.

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