Staying Healthy

Morgan Sova

Staff Writer ’15

As many of you know, sickness is running rampant around the world especially now. First we discover that Ebola is now in the United States and then the Enterovirus is attacking children and spreading fast. Ebola is an infectious and fatal disease. Early symptoms include fever and severe internal bleeding, spreading through contact with infected blood. It is a serious disease since there is not a cure for it; however, it is not something that we need to worry about in our everyday lives.  However, Enterovirus has had a major effect on many children in the United States and has hit multiple states including Michigan.

It appears as having symptoms of a normal cold but can have damaging effects resulting in death. With all of the viruses going around, it is important to be cautious. Make sure to wash your hands often throughout the day, using warm water and soap and counting to at least 20 seconds when washing to kill the harmful bacteria. When sneezing, it is important to sneeze into your arm and not your hand, and especially try not to sneeze on people because you do not want to spread germs around. Limit sharing food and drinks with friends to stop the easy spread of germs. Lastly, get lots of rest so that your body can stay healthy and prevent passing on any colds and germs to other people.

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