Catholic Schools Week

2018 CSW Logo_Book_Cross
Catholic Schools: Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed.

January 28th-February 1st

NCCHS Theme for the Week: Saints and Service
• Each classroom will be assigned a Saint ahead of time so they can decorate their classroom door with images, information, and facts about a Saint. Each door will be judged and the winner gets a prize!
• Each day will focus will be on a group of Saints that relate to the dress-up theme and Music theme of the day and facts that will be shared on Morning announcements about the saints.
• Each day (with the exception of Wednesday) a group of students will head out in to the community to serve at designated charitable organizations. Facts about the organizations will be
shared over the PA at the end of each day. Community service activities will be announced and shared with staff.
• D.E.A.P: Drop Everything And Pray. At random times throughout the week someone will get on the P.A. and tell everyone it is time to D.E.A.P. (pronounced DEEP). No matter what is going
on in classes everyone will stop what they are doing and be lead in a short prayer reflection.

Majestic Monday, Jan. 28– Dress like a royal (past or present)- or wear royal colors like purple or red or gold with jeans. Students who do not participate in theme day dress should wear normal school uniform attire.
o Facts about Saints Who Were Also Royals
o Royal Marches and Anthems played over the PA during Passing times
o Senior representatives will travel to Rescue Ministries of Mid-Michigan
o HS Open House – Registration 6:15, Program 6:30-8:30

Tacky Tuesday, Jan. 29- Wear mis-matched or clashing crazy colored clothing-like ugly sweater day but it doesn’t have to be Christmas!
o Facts about Patron Saints of Really Random Things
o Random but catchy annoying tunes played over the PA during Passing times
o Junior representatives will travel to the East Side Soup Kitchen

Well-dressed Wednesday, Jan. 30– Dress up day
o Facts about “Classy Saints” (Each class has a Patron Saint, let’s learn about each)
o Classical music played over the PA during Passing times
o Diocesan Catholic Schools Mass at Cathedral with Bishop Hurley – 11 a.m.

Throwback Thursday, Jan. 31– Dress up in the stereotypical style of your favorite decade
o Facts about famous saints from the 1920s, 1940s, 1960s, and 1980s
o Favorite tunes from iconic decades played over the PA during Passing times
o Freshmen representatives will travel to Mustard Seed Shelter

PJ Friday, Feb. 1– Wear Comfy pajamas or sweats today
o Facts about Catholic Saints who experienced God in dreams
o Lullaby music played over the PA during Passing times
o Sophomore representatives will travel to Emmaus House
o Food Samples will be available at lunch in solidarity with the meals eaten by those around the world who receive food from the Kids Against Hunger Organization
o Catholic Quiz Bowl

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