Gift Giving 101

Cam Fluder ’16

Staff Writer

Everyone knows the best part of Christmas is the giving and receiving of gifts. Giving the perfect gift isn’t as easy as sounds however, as people often give gifts with little thought of the receiver. They type of gift depends on the relationship between the giver and the receiver.

For a Family Member:

– Think of what they could use on a daily basis.

-Be creative and show that you appreciate them.

-Try to think of some of their favorite things.

-For example your dad may be in need of a coffee mug or some apparel from their favorite sports team.


For a Friend:

-Be creative and do not be afraid to give a gift that has some humor behind it.

-If you aren’t sure what to give someone, don’t be afraid to give a gift card. A gift card is a great gift because the receiver can use it for whatever they want/need.

-Get them a gift card to their favorite restaurant.

-You could buy them an article of clothing that you know they’ll like.


For a boyfriend/girlfriend

-Making a gift is a great way to show how much you care for the receiver.

-If your buying for a guy, then tickets to the ball game would be an excellent gift.

-If buying for a girl then simple jewelry is a great way to show one’s affection.


When receiving a gift this holiday season be sure to always show appreciation for the gift, as giving the perfect gift isn’t  easy.


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