Increase Your Luck For St Patty’s Day!

Tyler Hendricks

Staff Writer 14’



 Looking to increase your luck for this St Patty’s Day? Well, looking at the end of the rainbow is not going to help! Here are the top five ways to increase your luck, even if you’re not Irish!

1: Dice: There are a lot of games with chance played with dice so it’s pretty clear these can help. But, be careful, according to an old English proverb, “the Devil is in the dice.”

2: Horseshoe: Pin this on your door with the ends facing up and you’ll be surprised what luck will come your way.

3: Eat a Bowl of Lucky Charms: Don’t forget to eat the oat pieces too– even though we all know marshmallows are the best!

4: Give: …and you will receive! Especially if you give more than just that penny you picked up!

5: Feel Lucky: and you will be lucky! This is especially true if you are a lady…

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