Is That Your Final Answer?


Dylan Schnepf ‘14

Staff Writer


Are you indecisive? I’m fairly sure I am. Good thing high school seniors don’t have to make any ginormously important choices. That was sarcasm. So college, who needs it anyway? I mean Stevie Jobs, Billy Gates and Marky Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of an “institution of higher education”, and their net worths have at least ten digits in them. There is also the possibility that your great-great-granpappy invented sliced bread, in which case your family is rolling in dough. The third and most commonly chosen option of course is that you have to go to college because you want a “good job” and can sort of pay for it. So then it comes down to applications, which should have been done in the fall. I’m looking at you procrastinators. Then you get your acceptance, deferred, or “why did you even try?” letter which helps narrow down your choices even further. This may make your decision easier, as your dream college may have accepted you with a warm embrace of ungodly amounts of debt and some licensed swag, covered in school colors. If this is not the case, your second-string schools have to be called off the bench. Now you have to make your decision between these two, three or eighteen institutions. Don’t forget that you have been slaving over scholarships all this time, trying to prove that you’re special enough for a big check. If you get nothing and have to pay a bazillion dollars by yourself, then don’t forget to do some squats, because you are going to have a heavy financial burden to carry. In the end, what you should do is listen to you heart and follow its instructions. Hopefully it speaks English! ¡Buena Suerte! Happy Hunting!


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