Prepping for Exam Week

MJ Yeager  ’24

Staff Writer

With mid-term exams next week, most people usually get anxious and nervous, especially freshman considering the fact that these will be their first high school exams. One thing to help prepare you for exams is by studying notes and making flashcards. These are some ways that I have found help students to increase their chances of scoring higher on exams. Another way to help prepare is by relaxing when going in to test. Tensing up your body and your mind can make you less likely to remember key components of a specific topic. Lastly, be confident. Confidence can help boost test results just because of the fact that you aren’t worried about the outcome. One of the ways you can be confident in taking your exam is by studying and knowing everything that could be on the test. Take these three ideas with you when going into testing.

1) Study
2) Stay relaxed
3) Be confident

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