Top 5: TV Edition

Top 5

TV Shows on Now

  1. How I Met Your Mother – this TV show has it all, comedy, romance, action, and Neil Patrick Harris. I find myself tuning in each week to find out who the mother is going to be, and I will not stop watching until I find out.
  2. SNL – though they can have some boring sketches I still find myself laughing hysterically. Now that I’m older too I get the political jokes as well
  3. Criminal Minds- without a doubt the best crime solving show on TV. The crimes committed are unlike any other ones I have heard before and the most creative.  The characters bring their own spice to the show to make it whole.
  4. Game of Thrones – I love this show so much. It brings me back to my Lord of the Rings days when the hobbits roamed the world and the elves came as archers. It’s just like having the story continue and each episode is just as good as the last.
  5. Family Guy – this cartoon is the funniest show I have ever watched. Though it has been getting a little dry with the humor in it, they still have the dumb joke and me and “The Quad” always quote lines each and every day.


C.J. Joynt ’13


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